Tinnitus Miracle Review Scam - Obliteration - a process overgrown cavity, which can occur with any illness, disease. With the development of focal pathology in cortical or subcortical brain structures. If the patient has retrocochlear pathology, that is, ways to defeat or centers of the auditory system: tumors of the auditory nerve or cerebellopontine angle, the defeat of the auditory nerve, etc. If test results are negative it will let you know whether the electrical stimulation to cause this patient auditory sensations.
If the patient has severe concomitant diseases (chronic renal failure, decompensate heart disease, etc.) - this can affect the course of the operation; If the patient has no desire to work with and develop surdopedagogy hearing aids. Cochlear implants do not have age limits, they can wear and junior high school student, and retired. But in each case, the solution takes a group of doctors, after careful examination of the patient.Article Resource By All About Health.
A lot depends on the condition of the body - especially in the elderly. Potential patients definitely need to undergo a full examination, and only then he will receive a final conclusion about the possibility of implantation. Installing the cochlear implant takes place in several stages.
First - this is referred to our survey then, under general anesthesia, performed the surgery itself. The implant is placed in BTE region and the electrode array is introduced into the cochlea. On recovery from surgery will have one month. At this time, the body adapts to the implant. A month later, the wires for the implant to the speech processor and its setting then begins a complex and delicate process of restoring hearing.
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